An Exclusive Life At A Futuristic Destination
You are the chosen one, because you belong to a home, called Garur Golf Island. Welcome to a heaven, where life is all about celebrating moments. Welcome to Garur Golf Island
Spend Your Family Time Together
Privacy and family living go hand-in-hand with large spacious homes that gives every member their own space while also making sure you can all spend time together.
The Pleasure Of Invisible Care
Quality is an important aspect in Garur Golf Island A healthy mind only dwells in a healthy body just a healthy family only dwells in a healthily strong home. Everything that went into making a Garur Golf Island home was the best of its kind.
Design Oriented Architecture
Garur Golf Island is an example of design-oriented architecture. Where design not only becomes a part of everyday living but also enriches it. That is why every elevation, bend, shape, innovation, each and every square foot has come together in perfect harmony.